Earthquake Insurance in Southaven, MS and Byhalia, MS

Don’t let an earthquake destroy everything you’ve built.

Earthquake Insurance for At-Risk Businesses

Earthquakes are becoming more and more frequent in the 21st century. United States businesses in the West and in states like Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi are in the most danger because fault lines lie across those states. The natural disaster of an earthquake is unexpected and is predicted to increase in likelihood as more pressure occurs in the Earth's plates. Unlike a hurricane, you never know when an earthquake is coming.

The cost of earthquakes can inch close to a billion dollars per earthquake depending on the severity of its magnitude. In almost every earthquake, the majority of the financial loss is from businesses that do not have earthquake insurance coverage.

The Cost of Earthquakes

Earthquake damages are expensive because it hurts not only your equipment and inventory but also your physical location. It can be so devastating that a business would never be able to reopen again.

They take a great toll on the economy and can cost billions of dollars to businesses annually. In 2019 alone, earthquakes cost $4.4 billion (Source). While California earthquakes were responsible for $3.3 billion of the damages, another $1.1 billion was from businesses in cities all across the country.

Our insurance agency offers earthquake insurance that can be included in your existing policy. Talk with an agent today to get started and get a quote.

Earthquake Insurance Coverage Options in Southaven, MS and Byhalia, MS

Coverage to your home

Coverage to the building you may rent or own

Coverage that will pay added living expenses if you are unable to live in your home

Coverage for your personal belongings due to earthquake damage

Coverage for debris removal expenses

Who Needs Earthquake Insurance?

If your business is close to a fault line or near areas with higher seismic activity, you are considered to be in one of the many earthquake risk areas. You can see an updated map of risk areas here: FEMA.

Insurance rates will change based on the client and will depend on a geological survey to assess your business location's probability of earthquakes.
Who needs earthquake insurance original

Commercial Property Coverage in Southaven, MS and Byhalia, MS

If you own a commercial building, you can purchase earthquake insurance for this property; and if you're in one of the risk areas, you definitely should include that coverage in your policy to protect your assets.

Commercial property coverage pays to have your building repaired and replace your company’s equipment if it's damaged by an earthquake. It can also reimburse you for the money you lose during the time that you are out of business while the building is being repaired.

Earthquakes can damage everything from your equipment to water lines to even the parking lot. Unlike a storm or high winds, earthquakes can cause more damage in unexpected places if it has a high enough magnitude.

  • Know your location and how close it is to a risk area
  • Get reimbursed for your damages or the loss of income from a closed business
  • Earthquakes are getting stronger and can damage a wide variety of property
Trends over the past decade show that earthquakes are getting stronger. According to FEMA, an 8.0 magnitude earthquake happens once every year, but the frequency could be increasing. To cover your losses, talk with an expert to find the exact coverages you need in your insurance policy.
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What is my deductible with earthquake insurance in Southaven, MS and Byhalia, MS?

Typically, earthquake insurance is going to have a separate deductible option from your “primary” deductible. The deductible will usually be a percentage of your building coverage. For example, if your business is covered for $175,000 and you have a 5% deductible, the deductible for the earthquake coverage is $8,750.

As mentioned, different areas, seismic activity, fault lines, and your desired coverage amounts will affect your deductible and premiums.

Do you have a question about earthquake insurance Southaven, MS and Byhalia, MS?

Our agents are ready to answer any of your questions.
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